Adam,Rouilly  /  Products  /  Advanced Epidural & Lumbar Puncture Model, Dark
Skills and Features


  • Identifying the iliac crests
  • Administering of local anaesthetic injections
  • Administering of therapeutic treatments, e.g. antibiotics or chemotherapy medication
  • Performing diagnostic lumbar punctures
  • Collection and measurement of cerebrospinal fluid
  • Performing procedures in a sitting and left lateral position
  • Administration of an epidural
  • Anatomy:
    • Palpable sacrum
    • Iliac crests
    • Lumbar vertebrae between L2 and L5 with spinous processes
    • Ligamentum flavum
    • Interspinous Ligament


  • In training sessions, medical students will get a true to life experience, including:
    • A distinctive “pop” when puncturing the Dura (using the standard Dura) during a lumbar puncture procedure or more subtle feedback when using the advanced Dura
    • Measurable cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure, model can present realistic pressure between 5 to 25 cmH2O
    • Realistic flow of fluid from the water reservoir, increasing the volume of water will increase the flow rate allowing for quicker training
  • Ligamentum flavum and interspinous ligaments allow for more realistic haptic feedback and practice of loss of resistance techniques during needle insertion
  • 6mm epidural space between the insert and the dura enable practice threading an epidural catheter and administering fluids
  • Softer silicone on either side of the spine offers greater realism and the paramedian approach is easier to perform
  • Four epidural inserts are supplied with this model, the advanced insert has a steeper angle with a reduced epidural space, allowing practice of more difficult injections
  • The advanced model comes with three fat pads that can be inserted behind the Skin Pad
  • Fat pads can be used individually or in combination, they can simulate patients with different amounts of body fat, allowing trainees to practice varying difficulties of injection
  • To ensure that ongoing costs remain low, this trainer comes with two LP Tissue Inserts, two standard Epidural and two advanced Epidural Inserts
  • Cost-effective way to train large numbers of students
  • Inserts are easily interchangeable and offer a variety of training scenarios
  • Simulated Patient: This product can be used with a simulated patient to develop communication skills
  • NEW: Augmented Reality capabilities with the ART Mat
  • Augmented Reality is now part of the Lumbar Puncture range
  • The new ART Mats combine real world MRI and CT scan data, with the skills of talented medical artists and digital creators, to bring the internal anatomy of our trainers to life
  • Within the Limbs & Things ART app’s digital environment, you can move around your task trainer and view various overlays, including: the musculature, organs and vessels, and skeletal structure
  • The app’s interface allows you to move seamlessly between the layers, as well as view their cross sections
  • Students are also able to view digital procedures in the AR environment to see how the procedure is done, and its impact on the patient’s anatomy
  • Simulator gives a distinctive “pop” feeling when puncturing the dura during a lumbar puncture procedure
  • Durable lumbar tissue insert and duras are longer lasting, increasing life span and keeping on going costs down
  • Needle insertion possible between vertebrae
  • Ability to feel when the dura is punctured during lumbar puncture
  • Realistic rate of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can be simulated
  • Fat pads can be inserted to vary the patient form
  • All epidural and lumbar puncture inserts are compatible with the common base
  • Skin and duras can be rotated to extend their life span and ensure cost effective training
  • The stand provided allows for training in left lateral and sitting positions
Additional Information


  • ALT61022 Water Reservoir
  • ALT61010 Lumbar Puncture Insert – Bone
  • ALT61011 Lumbar Puncture Insert – Tissue, Pack of 2
  • ALT61012 Epidural Insert, Pack of 2
  • ALT61013 Advanced Epidural Insert, Pack of 2
  • ALT61027 Epidural & Lumbar Puncture Skin Pad, Dark
  • ALT61016 Epidural & Lumbar Puncture Fat Pad, Pack of 3
  • ALT61017 Epidural & Lumbar Puncture Standard Dura, Pack of x2
  • ALT61018 Epidural & Lumbar Puncture Advanced Dura, Pack of x4
  • ALT61019 Epidural & Lumbar Puncture Iliac, Crest Insert
  • ALT61020 Epidural & Lumbar Puncture Insert Cartridge
  • ALT61021 Epidural & Lumbar Puncture Sacral Insert


Cleaning & Safety

  • Drain all fluid from the product when not in use
  • Clean lumbar puncture trainer with a damp cloth, using warm water and mild detergent
  • Allow trainer to completely dry before storing
  • This product is latex free


Limbs & Things

Associated Manufacturer

Limbs & Things

Spares and Repairs

Related Spares and Repairs

SKUProduct NamePriceAction
ALT61013 Advanced Epidural Insert (Pack of 2)Price on requestView Product
ALT61018Epidural & Lumbar Puncture Advanced Dura (Pack of 4)Price on requestView Product
ALT61016Epidural & Lumbar Puncture Fat Pad (Pack of 3)Price on requestView Product
ALT61019Epidural & Lumbar Puncture Iliac Crest InsertPrice on requestView Product
ALT61020Epidural & Lumbar Puncture Insert CartridgePrice on requestView Product
ALT61028Epidural & Lumbar Puncture Sacral Insert, DarkPrice on requestView Product
ALT61027Epidural & Lumbar Puncture Skin Pad, DarkPrice on requestView Product
ALT61017Epidural & Lumbar Puncture Standard Dura (Pack of 2)Price on requestView Product
ALT61012Epidural Insert (Pack of 2)Price on requestView Product
ALT61010Lumbar Puncture Insert – BonePrice on requestView Product
ALT61011Lumbar Puncture Insert – TissuePrice on requestView Product
ALT61022Water ReservoirPrice on requestView Product