Continuing our tradition in medical education, Adam,Rouilly introduces the Ultrasound range, a fusion of technological innovation and educational excellence. Our advanced ultrasound models, designed for precision and realistic training, are indispensable in modern medical curricula. Experience the blend of quality and practicality, essential for mastering ultrasound techniques. Discover our range, reflecting our century-long commitment to medical education. To view our comprehensive range please select from the categories below. If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
- Abscess Drainage
- Amniocentesis / Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
- Andrology / Pelvic Examination
- Biopsy
- Bone Fracture
- Breast Examination
- Central Line / CVC / PICC / Vascular Access
- FAST (Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma)
- Foreign Body Identification
- Gynaecology / Pelvic Examination
- Injection - Joint
- Obstetrics / Antenatal Examination / Birthing
- Paracentesis / Ascitic Drain
- Percutaneous Umbilical Cord Blood Sampling (PUBS)
- Pericardiocentesis / TEE / TTE
- Pressure Wound & Bedsore Care
- Pressure Wound & Bedsore Care
- Regional Anaesthesia / Lumbar Puncture / Pain Management
- Sclerotherapy
- Suprapubic Catheterisation
- Thoracentesis / Thoracostomy
- Thyroid

CAE Blue Phantom
Leg With Foreign Body Identification Insert for Ultrasound Training, EX-DEMO MODEL

CAE Blue Phantom
Leg Model With Femoral and Saphenous Vein Venous Access for Ultrasound Training, No DVT

CAE Blue Phantom