Otto Ostomy™ Standard Stoma Model
Adam,Rouilly offers a wide selection of Clinical Skills Simulators - Stoma/Ostomy Care. This Sale Price Discontinued VATA Otto Ostomy model is an ideal visual aid for training patients and healthcare professionals on basic anatomy as well as what changes might occur with a stoma. Includes a soft-sided carrying case.
See more detailsDiagnostic / Procedural Skills, Midwifery / Obstetrics / Gynaecology, Nursing, OSCEs, Physician Associates / PLAB / MLA, Postgraduate Clinical Skills, T-Levels, Undergraduate Clinical Skills.
An Ex-Demo Model being offered at significantly reduced price to ensure it gets a second chance at life. Can you give it a new home?
- Ideal for demonstrating an end or loop ileostomy and colostomy, urostomy, and gastrostomy tube placement
- Helps healthcare providers better explain ostomies and patients understand their stomas
- Pre-operative teaching allows patients and their families to begin learning about ostomies prior to surgery, at a time when they are less distracted reducing anxiety
- Seeing the 3D digestive and urinary tracts and visualizing the location and function of the various organs is essential to learning, especially in those cases where cognitive processes or language may be an obstacle
- Moulded from a patient’s CT scan, this model features 3D, removable, and color-coded urinary and digestive tracts
- Otto Ostomy™ is supplied with 4 stomas. The more healthcare providers understand ostomies, the better they will be able to educate and encourage their patients about this life-changing event
- The colour coded organs displayed include: Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Rectum, Kidneys, Ureters and Bladder
- Demonstrate an end or loop ileostomy and colostomy, and gastrostomy
- Includes a soft-sided carrying case
- 8″ Diameter Stoma
- 2″ Diameter Stoma
- Small Intestinal Segment
- Urostomy Stoma With 3″ Stents In Place
- Loop Stoma with Rod
- Ileostomy Loop Adapter
- Colostomy Loop Adapter
- Ileal Conduit
- Soft-sided carrying case
Replacement Parts for this Otto Ostomy Standard Stoma Model may not be available – please contact the Sales Department if you require assistance