Adam,Rouilly  /  Products  /  Knee Aspiration & Injection Trainer With Ultrasound Capabilities, Light
Skills and Features


  • An anatomically accurate adult knee model for injection and aspiration of synovial fluid from the knee joint, from both the lateral and medial aspects, using palpation or ultrasound-guidance Injection into joint cavity
  • Aspiration of synovial fluid from both the lateral and medial aspects
  • Identification of anatomical landmarks using the palpation method or ultrasonic guidance
  • Patient positioning and management
  • Recognition of joint effusion
  • Ballottement
  • Competence using ultrasound technology to perform


  • Discrete muscle and skin layers provide realistic tissue and needle response
  • Anatomically accurate synovial sac and palpable patella
  • Realistic colour and consistency of synovial fluid
  • 1,000+ stabs per module with 21 gauge needle
  • Precise, palpable anatomy with bony landmarks
  • Robust, sealed knee unit that holds all anatomy
  • Echolucent material allows aspiration and injection under ultrasound-guidance or using the palpation method
  • The robust sealed knee includes: knee joint, patella, patellar tendon and the suprapatellar space
  • Knee skin is watertight


Performing knee aspirations and injections are fundamental skills required for Internal Medical Trainees, as well as Rheumatologists, Doctors practising General Medicine and Orthopaedic Surgeons*

This model was evaluated by Charles Wakeley (Bristol Royal Infirmary, UK) and Andrew Grainger (Leeds Teaching Hospitals, UK).

*Specialty Training Curriculum for Core Medical Training, Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board, 2009, amended 2013 / Section 5 Practical Procedures, Specialty Training Curriculum for Rheumatology, Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board, 2010 / Section: Applied Clinical Skills: General, Page 55, Specialist Training in Trauma & Orthopaedics Curriculum, 2013.

Additional Information


  • Ultrasound Knee Module for Aspiration & Injection, fluid bag and stand, synovial Fluid (including syringe), needle set, leg unit (including removable supports), carry case for kneeand Joint and Soft Tissue Injection (5th Edition) By Dr Trevor Silver

Safety & Cleaning

  • The Synovial Fluid used with this product now contains a new preservative which is approved for use by EU cosmetic regulations which means that it is safe for extended skin contact.
  • We still recommend the use of gloves, as the pigments may stain skin and clothes.


Limbs & Things

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Related Spares and Repairs

SKUProduct NamePriceAction
ALT70106Fluid Bag and StandPrice on requestView Product
ALT70105Leg Unit for Knee Trainer, LightPrice on requestView Product
ALT70108Needle SetPrice on requestView Product
ALT70107Synovial Fluid (2.5L)Price on requestView Product
ALT70104Ultrasound Knee Module for Aspiration and InjectionPrice on requestView Product
ALT70115Ultrasound Knee Module, DarkPrice on requestView Product